The Dinner Party
Well hello there. It's been awhile, hasn't it? And you know why? BECAUSE I GOT A LIFE! AND A BOYFRIEND! AND I WON THE LOTTERY! OK, I didn't. I just drank too much and had to go into rehab. But the good news is I got to meet Brit and we now have matching haircuts. Holla!
So, in the spirit of kicking things off, what better way than with a certifiably enjoyable "Moo" email?!?!?! I bounced it off SJ and let's just say she was lovin' it like a big old lady loves some hot biscuits slathered in butter and jam and bacon. But first, I need to provide some background for clarity purposes: The CK clan had a doozy of a dinner party last night - the first "real" entertaining they've done since they moved digs. Needless to say, it was an event to remember (see picture above; that's Dan is on the right). But I think it's best to let my Moo explain just how much fun they had... And yes, this is a REAL email and I didn't change a word (except a few names to protect the innocent)
Well, your Dad was quite happy with the dinner party. It felt like more of a celebration than a cultivation. I REALLY REALLY like Connie and Dan and think we could become good friends with them. They are very natural and down to earth.
Teresa of course saved the day! It would have been havoc without her help…..and your MaMa had too much wine too. I had about 3 glasses of Schraumsburg during cocktails. Ed had shipped 9 gorgeous wines for the dinner. I must say that I have NEVER had such equisite wines in my life. I'm not much of a white wine drinker,..but may I say OHMYGOD! WOW! We had an amazing wine with the Coquille St. Jacques. (It turned out that Connie cannot eat shell fish. Fortunately, I had fixed a double order of pheasants for someone who couldn't eat meat…and was able to substitute pheasant…which Teresa said delighted and surprised her immensely. For some reason, everyone loved the crudite (Boston lettuce) w/that vilnegrette I make.
Then the PROBLEM…I didn't tell your Dad…its our SECRET. The Tenderloin was supposed to bake at a very high heat 450 F for no more than 30 minutes. Well Herman bought a new digital thermometer that didn't appear to be working to me. The meat was in there close to 50 minutes..and I was afraid it was going to over cook so I took it out to rest while we had the Coquilles. OOOOOOPS! I then started slicing the tenderloin and got to the middle and it was RAW, not rare raw, but raw. It was too late…I had to serve. So I told Teresa to brush the raw ones with Kitchen Bouquet (that brown stuff) to cover it up.( I told her to make sure she gave us the cooked slices though! ) Everyone was so into the wine, that no one seemed to notice. I was just praying that no one would get ecoli! Inthemeantime, the asperges got overcooked, and I was getting quite tipsy. Again….Thank God for Teresa who served the plates. The red wines were simply amazing. Everyone really seemed to enjoy the twice baked potatos too.
Then the real FUN! I served profiteroles with a choice of warm rum mincemeat or berries. We needed to make more whipped cream. I got the carton out of the frig and bent down to get the mixer. Then I notice all this white liquid all over my lower cupboard and pans. I said what the devil is this white stuff? Teresa took me by the shoulders. Looked at me authoritatively and said YOU NEED TO SIT DOWN NOW! Listen to ME. You need to go and SIT DOWN! Then I bent over to pick up something and she said, I really know your in trouble. You drooled on me!
So I went back to the table.
Then Dan served a 37 year old Port. I served that lovely Maytag blue cheese with it. What an absolutely sensational combination.
After everyone left, your Dad just took himself to bed.
I had a hang over…still do. I've had 4 cups of coffee already. :)
Well, your Dad was quite happy with the dinner party. It felt like more of a celebration than a cultivation. I REALLY REALLY like Connie and Dan and think we could become good friends with them. They are very natural and down to earth.
Teresa of course saved the day! It would have been havoc without her help…..and your MaMa had too much wine too. I had about 3 glasses of Schraumsburg during cocktails. Ed had shipped 9 gorgeous wines for the dinner. I must say that I have NEVER had such equisite wines in my life. I'm not much of a white wine drinker,..but may I say OHMYGOD! WOW! We had an amazing wine with the Coquille St. Jacques. (It turned out that Connie cannot eat shell fish. Fortunately, I had fixed a double order of pheasants for someone who couldn't eat meat…and was able to substitute pheasant…which Teresa said delighted and surprised her immensely. For some reason, everyone loved the crudite (Boston lettuce) w/that vilnegrette I make.
Then the PROBLEM…I didn't tell your Dad…its our SECRET. The Tenderloin was supposed to bake at a very high heat 450 F for no more than 30 minutes. Well Herman bought a new digital thermometer that didn't appear to be working to me. The meat was in there close to 50 minutes..and I was afraid it was going to over cook so I took it out to rest while we had the Coquilles. OOOOOOPS! I then started slicing the tenderloin and got to the middle and it was RAW, not rare raw, but raw. It was too late…I had to serve. So I told Teresa to brush the raw ones with Kitchen Bouquet (that brown stuff) to cover it up.( I told her to make sure she gave us the cooked slices though! ) Everyone was so into the wine, that no one seemed to notice. I was just praying that no one would get ecoli! Inthemeantime, the asperges got overcooked, and I was getting quite tipsy. Again….Thank God for Teresa who served the plates. The red wines were simply amazing. Everyone really seemed to enjoy the twice baked potatos too.
Then the real FUN! I served profiteroles with a choice of warm rum mincemeat or berries. We needed to make more whipped cream. I got the carton out of the frig and bent down to get the mixer. Then I notice all this white liquid all over my lower cupboard and pans. I said what the devil is this white stuff? Teresa took me by the shoulders. Looked at me authoritatively and said YOU NEED TO SIT DOWN NOW! Listen to ME. You need to go and SIT DOWN! Then I bent over to pick up something and she said, I really know your in trouble. You drooled on me!
So I went back to the table.
Then Dan served a 37 year old Port. I served that lovely Maytag blue cheese with it. What an absolutely sensational combination.
After everyone left, your Dad just took himself to bed.
I had a hang over…still do. I've had 4 cups of coffee already. :)