What Makes CK’s World Go Round?
After SJ's enlightening weekend round-up, our PWS hotmail address was simply inundated with requests about my own personal likes and dislikes. Honestly - you guys! - I'm totally flattered! So much so that I thought I'd pound out a little sumpin’, sumpin’ on what really rocks my world. We all know SJ loves Second Life, Joe Montana and clog dancing. But what do I really like you ask? Well, let me tell you. It’s two words, and all I can say is she’s back, bitches. All you naysayers and playa haters, well I don’t want to say I told you so, but you know what? I freakin am. Britney Spears is back and she looks TOTALLY AWESOME MAN!
I honestly can't describe how I felt this morning when I was reading my favorite gossip sites, I mean working, and saw my little Brit strutting her stuff on Letterman. It was almost as wonderful as levitating around Second Life with my furry friends and pretending like it was real-life. Almost.
Anyhow, what do YOU, our loyal PWS readers think about this comeback? I think it's pretty freakin' fantastic and if you want to make fun of me - Well bring it on. Just remember, you tool around in a fake world, asshole. Oh - and my Avatar can totally beat up yours.
PS: This one's for you, Beat.
You are spot on the money today, CK! Brit IS back!! She is one hot momma and I am even digging her new Posh-like haircut. Though I am a little confused to why she always picks The Late Show for these last minute appearances. I have a hard time believing her fans are regular viewers of Letterman...or even still awake.
See you at Madison Square!!
Brit is back!!!! CK maybe if you have time one day when you're not cruising around the metaverse on the peg we can get britney concert tickets and rock out.
Or...maybe...just MAYBE...Brit will perform for all of us with her and K-Feds avatars in Second Life. Holla!!
Brit + 2nd Life = The Messiah. Needless to say, I'm there.
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