Monday, October 30, 2006

PWS Launches Advice Column - What do YOU want to know!?*

As the above title suggests, we're starting a new column here on PWS, due to reader demand (which is getting really distracting, but keep it coming guys. And when you do, click on our ads. Twice.) So, the new column is driven by YOU, our 8-30 odd readers, most of whom visit for 2-3 seconds, and what your questions are for CK and I, given our stature and connections in the metaverse.

Let's get started, shall we?

The first question comes from a reader in Alaska (yes, they have the metaverse there too! I know, what's next?)

Q. How do I make my own Avatar?

A. GREAT question, and especially timely given the Register's news below. First and foremost, make it work for YOU. It's not just about impressing total and complete strangers on Second Life, it's about impressing yourself. I mean, you're going to be looking at this thing ALOT as you transport around Dimmydonka-lonka land. Here are some good questions to ask yourself as you get started:
  1. Your essence. What do I want people to think when they first see my "2nd" me? (Possible answers include: muscles, wings, horns, dog tails, horse-hooves). the sky's the limit, just be realistic and stick to what makes you, you. I recommend 4-90 minutes in front of the mirror followed by some drawing with colored pencils.
  2. Your personality. Do I want to be a little insane or really f'ing freaky? The thing here is that you have to pick one or the other, so think hard about this one. What do you feel deep inside? are you a) wierd, b) nuts or c) totally off-your-butt looney? Now that you have that straight, reflect this mood in your avatar. If you're in the "c" bucket, I'd go for some big leather-daddy wings and accessories. Tell 'em Peggy Booboo-head sent you! Price range is only about 20-40 real U.S. dollars, so go for it! Is there a better way to spend that money? I'm not even going to answer that...
  3. Your name. Now, this is paramount as you never get a second chance to make a first impression, even with fire-throwing, trance dancing pegasuses. (Trust me, I should know!) As we all know, your name is your IDENTITY, and you can't really put a price-tag on that (unlike your virtual red-pleather clothing and hair-pieces). What I like to do is shake it up a little. You can obviously start with the last name since you have to pick it from Second Life's exciting library. My favorites are: Kyrgyz, Carribook, Bunavad and Yanyean... then comes your first name. I don't want to prescribe some process here, but let me just say, people like alliteration and objects they're familiar with - think Kamikaze Kyrgyz for example. Is that exciting or what!? I want to meet him. Now. Wait. I can just be him. What did I say before? Something about the sky being the limit?!

With those basics, you should be well underway to getting your avatar started. I'm including above an inspiring portrait of a buddy's avatar. If we could all be this good!

*Guys - Due to popular PWS demand, you can also email us your questions at See you in the metaverse!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear PWS,

Thank you for the great advice. I am still confused, however, about what to pick as my own avatar.

You see, I am quite physically inadequate on the outside, but mentally I see myself as built like a tiger or even a muscular mountain cat. What would you suggest I do? I don't want people in the metaverse to think I am a wimp when I am such a big man inside. Please help.



9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great question Ron, and not an unusual one AT ALL, so don't feel uncomfortable. CK and I will have some ideas for you shortly.

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you commit a crime in the metaverse? (I mean, apart from having kinky sex with underage furries)

3:38 PM  

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