I'm going to be around 4Eva, bitches

That's right. Whether you like or not looks like I'm here to stay. In my quest to downsize my caffeine intake, I've been partaking in a fabu little bevvie known to many as "Green Tea", but I prefer to call the "Live Forever Elixir". Why's that? Because it makes me impervious to every known disease and ailment to mankind. Read it and weep, succas. Looks like I'm going to be around awhile.

That's right. Whether you like or not looks like I'm here to stay. In my quest to downsize my caffeine intake, I've been partaking in a fabu little bevvie known to many as "Green Tea", but I prefer to call the "Live Forever Elixir". Why's that? Because it makes me impervious to every known disease and ailment to mankind. Read it and weep, succas. Looks like I'm going to be around awhile.
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